
  • George Caleb Bingham (March 20, 1811 – July 7, 1879)

    8th Nov 2019

    George Caleb Bingham (March 20, 1811 – July 7, 1879)

    Born in 1811 in Virginia, George Caleb Bingham and is known for his remarkable paintings depicting political and social life on the frontier, as well as landscapes and portraits. He is believed to…

    Published by Therese Myles

  • George Catlin

    29th Oct 2019

    George Catlin

    Born in Philadelphia on July 26, 1796, George Catlin became known as the first artist to focus on the Plains Indians as his specialist subject. He worked as a lawyer until 1823 when, although he wa…

    Published by Therese Myles